Polish Grammar - Why we need it
You can't learn Polish without learning the grammar but don't worry. Even if you don't know your adjectives from your nouns we'll get there in bite sized chunks
Polish grammar can seem overwhelming, especially when you are trying to learn verbs and vocabulary at the same time!
Like many English speakers you may not be familiar with grammar terms live 'adjectives', 'genders', 'nouns' and so on.
The trick is to learn Polish grammar in very small bite sized chunks.
It's important to know that you do not need to get your Polish grammar right in order to communicate so start talking or writing to someone now!
There are many places to find online tutors or penpals so you can start putting what you have learnt so far into practice. Doing this will speed up your learning process.
In the next few lessons we'll start to 'nibble away' at the edges of Polish grammar and you'll start getting some fluency even if you are, like so many, grammar clueless!