Learn Polish - 'ic' and 'ical' practice

Let's bring together all that we've learnt about english words ending 'ic' and 'ical' and get more easy to learn vocabulary


As we've seen there are three ways to handle English words ending 'ic' or 'ical'.

All three methods involve removing the 'ic' or 'ical' to get the 'stem'.

  • If the stem ends in a hard letter like 't' we add 'yczny' - Dramatyczny
  • If the stem ends in a softer letter like 'g' we add 'iczny' - Ekologiczny
  • The stem of 'technical' is soft so we use 'iczny' - Techniczny

Technical also introduces us in how we pronounce 'ch'. Now whenever you see these two letters together in any Polish word you know how to pronounce it.

Thinking Brain

And here is yet another word that is very similar in Polish.

  • Color - Kolor

As always listen out for that emphasis on the penultimate syllable and practice it yourself. We;ll practice using this in the exercises below.

Graduation Cap

It's all in the mind

  • It's psychological stress - To jest psycholigiczny stres

Listen carefully again to the audio above. You'll hear the 'p' in 'psychologiczny' is not silent as it is in English. Another reminder that Polish is spoken as it is written.

...and yes - 'Stress' is 'stres'. Nothing to learn hear except a reminder that Polish rarely use double letters unless they are needed.

So how would you say the following. Press the play button to see if you got it right!

  • It's a psychological crisis -

You're likely to hear these phrases on TokFM so listen out for them!

And of course worth thinking about - a 'symboliczny moment' is often a 'psychologiczny moment'!

Think out the Polish

Translate sentences below to practice your 'yczny' and 'iczny' - for this exercise use English word ordering

We have not come across all the words here but using the 'ic' / 'ical' rule you should be able to transfer the new words into Polish!

(Answers are case sensitive!)

Make sure your sound is turned on to hear the audio during this exercise

It is a dramatic colour
q1|To jest dramatyczny kolor

It is a public report
q1|To jest publiczny raport

No, it is not a gigantic problem
q1|Nie, to nie jest gigantyczny problem

Yes, it is a patriotic colour
q1|Tak, to jest patriotyczny kolor

Yes, it is a technical report
q1|Tak, to jest techniczny raport

It is a specific taste
q1|To jest specyficzny smak

It is a fantastic business
q1|To jest fantastyczny biznes

It is a idyllic hotel
q1|To jest idylliczny hotel

Is it an ecological problem?
q1|Czy to jest ekologiczny problem?

Is it a political scandal?
q1|Czy to jest polityczny skandal?

It is a tragic crisis
q1|To jest tragiczny krysys

No, it is not an electrical problem
q1|Nie, to nie jest elektryczny problem

Yes, it is a practical subject
q1|Tak, to jest praktyczny temat

Yes, it is an authentic taste
q1|Tak, to jest autentyczny smak

No, it is not an ecological bank
q1|Nie, to nie jest ekologiczny bank

It is a fantastic product
q1|To jest fantastyczny produkt

Yes, it's a technical problem
q1|Tak, to jest techniczny problem

Is it a practical bank?
q1|Czy to jest praktyczny bank?

Is it an ecological report?
q1|Czy to jest ekologiczny raport?

It's psychological stres
q1|To jest psychologiczny stres

Yes, it is a tragic subject
q1|Tak, to jest tragiczny temat

No, it's not a medical report
q1|Nie, to nie jest medyczny raport

It's a psychological crisis
q1|To jest psychologiczny kryzys

Verbs intro - I have and I like

Try matching the English and Polish phrases below. No need to learn 'I have' and 'I like' yet, this exercize is just to start getting you familiar with them

Make sure your sound is turned on to hear the audio during this exercise

Mam fantastyczny radio
I like a mathematical problem
I like an idyllic hotel
I have a fantastic radio
Lubię idylliczny hotel
Lubię problem matematyczny
Mam report symboliczny
I have a symbolic report

Word ordering

Which of the following is acceptable word ordering?

(Tick all the correct boxes)

Tick all of the boxes you believe are correct


Revise earlier words and phrases to keep them fresh! Match the Polish and Engish below

Make sure your sound is turned on to hear the audio during this exercise

to jest oficjalny dokument
a psychological crisis
wirtualny asystent
it is an official document
psychologiczny kryzys
psychological stres
a virtual assistant
psychologiczny stres